Where Our Oil Comes From

Oil is often at the root of many conflicts in our world today, as both an essential resource as well as a finite one. Relations between countries grow tense as oil consumption rises. But where does our oil come from? Here is an infographic that shows you where the...

Journey to the Centre of the Earth

Have you ever dug a hole on a beach and wondered what you would find if you dug all the way down – the the center of the Earth? If so, you are not alone. Writers and scientists have been fascinated by the concept of exploring Earth’s core for centuries....

Into The Depths – How Deep Companies Drill to Reach Oil

As grease and sand trap cleaners, we know a little about grease and oil. But have you ever been curious as to how deep companies drill to find the oil we use for energy, cooking and products? In this infographic, learn about the deepest well on the planet – the Z-44...

Aerobic Systems for Dummies

Simply Irresistible! Imagine a giant washing machine located underground that purifies and spits the once unclean, now treated and clean out and away, above ground and upon your green lawn. Churning is good, more churning is better. Pumping off the water is good,...

The Problem of Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is a big problem. It is a problem for animals, for the environment, and for the economy. In order to reduce the damage that plastic pollution does to our world, humanity needs to work together to make surroundings cleaner. The following infographic...